Centre of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (KE.DI.VI.M)

University of Western Macedonia


The Centre of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning is managed by the Vice-Rector for International Relations, Global Engagement and Student Affairs, Professor Eleni Griva, as Chair (par. 5, article 48 of Law 4485/17) and the Administration Council of the Centre, which is composed of representatives of the Institution’s Departments, after the recommendations of the relevant Deanships (par. 7, article 48 of Law 4485/17).

The Director of the Centre of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning is the Assistant Professor of "Pedagogy and Applications in Primary Education" at the Department of Primary Education, Dr. Menelaos Tzifopoulos. According to the C.CE.LL.’s Regulation (Government Gazette Issue 443B'/13-2-2020), the Administration Council is informed about the operation of the Centre, recommends the approval of the programmes submitted by the Scientific Managers and ensures that any arising problems are addressed promptly.

The Council of the Center


Eleni Griva

Vice Rector for International Relations, Global engagement and Student Affairs

Professor at the Department of Primary Education



Menelaos Tzifopoulos

Assistant Professor of "Pedagogy and Applications in Primary Education" at the Department of Primary Education



  • Ioannis Ziogas, Professor at the Department of Fine and Applied Arts, representative of Fine Arts School
  • Theano Lazaridou, Professor at the Department of Agriculture, representative of Agriculture School
  • Tharrenos Mpratitsis, Associate Professor at the Department of Early Childhood Education, representative of Social Sciences and Humanities School
  • Konstantinos Spinthiropoulos, Associate Professor at the Department of Accounting and Finance, representative of Economic Sciences School
  • Ioannis Sinatkas, Professor at the Department of Informatics, representative of Science School
  • Sophia Anastasiadou, Professor at the Department of Midwifery, representative of Health Sciences School
  • Markos Tsipouras, Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, representative of Engineering School

Doumpalis Christos

The Centre's Administration Council clearly possesses all the authority granted by Article 48, paragraph 8, Law 4485/2017, in addition to the following authorities:

1. It proposes the approval of the general policy regarding the educational programmes of the Centre.
2. Constitutes the centre's internal evaluation group.

The Chair of the Centre has all the responsibilities outlined in paragraph 6 of Article 48 of Law 4485/2017, as well as the following responsibilities:
1. Convenes the Administration Council of the Centre, prepares the daily agenda, and appoints one Council member as the rapporteur on the topics. The invitation to the meeting is accompanied by the proposals for all the items on the daily agenda.
2. Signs the requests to the Research Committee and the payment orders of the Centre's staff.
3. Forms, after the stance of the Council, the trainee selection committees, when required, e.g., cases of programmes whose implementation is proposed by the Council itself, in cases where the entity funding the programme requires it, and when this is required by the approved programme procedures.
4. Compiles the Centre’s annual budget and assessment and submits it to the Senate for approval.
5. Submits the internal evaluation of the Centre to the Senate every two years.
6. Composes and modifies the Internal Regulation of the Operation of the Centre, which is proposed to the Senate of the Institution for approval, after the stance of the Council.
7. Suggests collaborations with external bodies to the Senate of the Institution.
8. Presents the Centre’s four-year strategic planning as well as the annual schedule of activities to the Senate.

The responsibilities and duties of the Director of C.CE.LL. are defined in paragraph 9 of Article 48 of Law 4485/2017. Additionally:
1. Implements the decisions of the Administration Council.
2. Cooperates with the Chair of the Administration Council.

For an educational programme to be included in the framework of the Centre's activities, it is required to submit a relevant proposal-application form for approval by the Council. The Council may request clarifications-corrections in a proposal if it deems that the above criteria are not met. During the evaluation process, the Administration Council may consult experts for the final decision.

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