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Centre of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (KE.DI.VI.M)

University of Western Macedonia

Advanced Clinical Skills in Labour and Childbirth







42 hours




200 €

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Applications up to:



This English language training program is aimed at registered Midwives upon completion of their studies and after receiving their degree.

The aim of the program is for:

  • trainees to acquire evidence-based and up-to-date knowledge and clinical skills that they will be able to use during the provision of maternity care during childbirth. The main objective is for the trainees to be able to provide a safe and effective childbirth with minimal interventions and to manage any urgent condition that may arise at birth.
  • trainees to acquire advanced birthing knowledge and skills so that they are able to provide personalized and safe midwifery care to the parturients.

Trainees are expected to acquire knowledge and clinical skills related to risk assessment during pregnancy and to be able to provide birthing options regarding the place of delivery and the magnitude of interventions during labour. They will be trained on practical and ergonomic issues related to obstetric emergencies, such as shoulder dystocia, breech delivery and postpartum haemorrhage with the use of high-fidelity/high-technology simulation. Through the programme they will gain knowledge about the methods of promoting a non-interventional childbirth with the use of water at labour and childbirth. They will become familiar with the safety and effectiveness of the use of water in promoting normal birth according to the current literature and will be trained on how a waterbirth is organized and effected. Also, trainees will develop their skills in counselling a couple experiencing tocophobia during pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, they will develop their knowledge and counselling skills for couples who wish to safely and effectively give birth vaginally after a previous caesarean section (VBAC). Finally, they will be trained in the effective management of neonatal trauma during delivery, such as cephalohaematoma and brachial plexus injury.

The objectives of the educational program are as follows:

  • The acquisition of a broad framework of knowledge and clinical skills necessary for the safe and effective practice of maternity care during childbirth based on the most up-to-date international guidelines and recommendations.
  • The in-depth understanding of the mechanisms that underlie situations such as obstetric emergencies (shoulder dystocia, postpartum haemorrhage) and neonatal trauma (brachial plexus injury, cephalohaematoma) to increase trainees’ confidence and the quality of healthcare they provide during labour.
  • Upon mastering the counselling skills of couples who wish to give birth vaginally after caesarean section (VBAC), to give birth in water (waterbirth) or who demonstrate tocophobia during pregnancy and childbirth, the holistic approach to childbirth will be strengthened and the promotion of natural childbirth will be supported with as few interventions as possible.

The learning objectives of the program involve the following:

  • to acquire the ability on how to accurately assess the parturients regarding their risk in pregnancy (risk assessment) and to offer the appropriate counselling depending on whether they are low-risk or high-risk about their birthing place options.
  • to possess up-to-date and evidence-based knowledge about the methods of promoting normal (non-interventional) childbirth.
  • to include the use of water (waterbirthing) in the prenatal education and preparation programs of the expecting parents for childbirth and to evaluate the parturients regarding the indications/contraindications and conditions for the use of water during childbirth
  • to be able to assess and advise women on the safety and likelihood of successful vaginal delivery after a previous VBAC
  • to be able to deal with obstetric emergencies during delivery (shoulder dystocia, postpartum bleeding, breech delivery, cord prolapse)
  • to update their clinical skills in suturing perineal tears after childbirth
  • to be able to deal with neonatal trauma at childbirth
  • to acquire advanced counselling knowledge and skills in situations such as tocophobia during pregnancy and childbirth
  • to develop knowledge and skills in matters of general interest such as the effect of environmental pollution during pregnancy.

i. Description of the Target Group (description of the characteristics of the target group):

Midwifery School University graduates are eligible to participate in the program after receiving their degree.

Interested participants are invited to submit an online application for candidacy, which will be accompanied by the following supporting documents.

  • Simple photocopy of National Identity Card or Passport
  • Evidence of Higher Education Degrees (simple photocopy)
  • Short Curriculum Vitae (CV)

ii. Eligibility Criteria:

The selection of the candidates will take place after the evaluation of the supporting documents, and the successful candidates will be informed via their personal e-mail that they have indicated in the application

iii. Prerequisite knowledge – qualifications – equipment:

  • Access to an e-mail account is required.
  • Basic computer knowledge.
  • Basic English language knowledge.

This educational program is the first lifelong learning program that the participants (Midwives) upon completion will receive a certificate of specialized training on the subject: “Advanced Clinical Skills in Labour and Childbirth”.

Also, participants will receive a Europass certificate supplement, which is a document accompanying the training certificate awarded upon completion of the program. The Europass certificate supplement describes in detail the vocational education and training program (courses, duration, ECVET credits, entry requirements, assessment process).

The Europass certificate supplement adds to the value of the awarded certificate and can be used by graduates to continue their studies by recognizing and transferring the corresponding ECVET credits to a relevant postgraduate study program.

Successful participation will be confirmed by a written examination.

The training program corresponds to 4 ECVET credits.

Scientifically and Academically Responsible: Dimitrios Papoutsis, Assistant Professor, Midwifery Department, University of Western Macedonia, Greece

Faculty members/lecture-based teaching:

Dimitrios Papoutsis, Assistant Professor, Midwifery Department, University of Western Macedonia, Greece

Angeliki Antonakou, Associate Professor, Midwifery Department, International Hellenic University, Greece

Maria Tzitiridou, Assistant Professor, Midwifery Department, University of Western Macedonia, Greece

Ekaterini Itziou, Assistant Professor, Midwifery Department, University of Western Macedonia, Greece

Eirini Orovou, Assistant Professor, Midwifery Department, University of Western Macedonia, Greece

Distance education (e-learning): The teaching of the program will be conducted online through an online platform. In this way, each trainee has autonomy, without requiring their physical presence in a certain place. The educational material of the program will be made available gradually per teaching module.

Hands-on training with physical presence at the Midwifery Department of the University of Western Macedonia (Ptolemaida). There will be a full-day hands-on workshop at the Midwifery Department of the University of Western Macedonia for hands-on practice in simulation models and laboratory equipment.

The educational material to be used concerns the following:

a) Lecturer's notes
b) Slides/ Short films/ Publications, articles in electronic format
c) Clinical scenarios-exercises (on simulation models and laboratory equipment at the Midwifery School of the University of Western Macedonia in Ptolemaida).]

  • MCQ test
  • Hands-on workshop

Structure of Educational Programme

The purpose of this module is to present to the trainee the up-to-date and evidence-based knowledge and clinical skills necessary for the safe and effective provision of maternity care during childbirth, based on the most current international guidelines and the current literature.

  • assess the parturients regarding the risk of their pregnancy (risk assessment) and advise them according to whether they are low-risk or high-risk in terms of the options they have in childbirth.
  • to know the methods of promoting normal (non-interventional) childbirth.
  • to use water (waterbirthing) during childbirth
  • advise on and perform a safe and successful vaginal delivery after a previous caesarean section (VBAC)
  • manage the obstetric emergency at birth (shoulder dystocia, postpartum hemorrhage, breech birth, cord prolapse)
  • perform suturing of perineal tears after childbirth
  • manage neonatal trauma at birth
  • provide counselling for conditions such as tocophobia during pregnancy and childbirth
  • to develop knowledge and skills in matters of general interest such as the effect of environmental pollution during pregnancy.

Duration (hours): 24

This module concerns the hands-on training with physical presence of the participants in the Midwifery Department of the University of Western Macedonia. It is a full-day hands-on workshop that will take place at the Simulation Laboratory of the Midwifery Department of the University of Western Macedonia in Ptolemaida. High-fidelity/high technology simulators and equipment will be used.

Objectives of the Teaching Module: Upon completion of the module, the trainees will have received practical training (hands-on):

  • in the management of obstetric emergencies during childbirth, such as shoulder dystocia, postpartum hemorrhage, breech delivery, umbilical cord prolapse.
  • in the suturing of perineal tears after childbirth
  • in the use of water (waterbirthing) during childbirth / there will be a demonstration of a birthing pool and simulation of childbirth in water

Duration (hours): 58

This module will utilize the method of asynchronous teaching so that the learner will come into contact with cutting edge and innovative articles of the modern literature on the subject taught in the synchronous teaching module and through the practical training of the educational programme. The purpose is to read the educational material, reflect and make a critical appraisal of the learning material.

Upon completion of the module, learners will be au fait with the latest literature data (systematic review articles/meta-analyses) on water birth, on the ways to promote natural (non-interventional) birth, on how to manage obstetric emergencies and neonatal trauma, as well as vaginal delivery after caesarean section (VBAC).


Duration (hours): 10


Dimitrios Papoutsis

Scientifically and Academically Responsible

MD, MSc, PhD, Post-doctorate (UK), FHEA (UK)
Assistant Professor, Midwifery Department
University of Western Macedonia, Greece

Expression of interest

Fill the registration form or register in the newsletter, to receive news about the program and C.CE.LL

Plagiarism and Intellectual Property Rights

  1. For Copyright:

    Copying or using any part of someone else's intellectual work, such as books, articles, visual or applied arts, without the creator's permission, is illegal. This includes the translation, the adaptation of the work, regardless of the format (printed, electronic, photographic, etc.). Violating this law is both a civil and criminal offense, and can also result in serious disciplinary offense.

    1. Every creator/author or co-creator/co-author of a work has the right to be mentioned and recognized as such, as well as to any property rights derived from it.
    2. The failure to acknowledge the intellectual contribution of third parties in a published work, or the inclusion of a person as a creator/author in a work to which he did not contribute, are major disciplinary offenses with potential legal consequences. In the case of a work that is the result of number of people's creative contribution, these people must all be mentioned/named as co-creators/co-authors of the work.
    3. The exploitation of property rights arising from industrial or intellectual property rights by the creator or inventor may be restricted, particularly for works funded by the UOWM or another institution
    4. d. Agreements or MOU between the UOWM, the project funder, the project manager, and all members of the research team are required to regulate the copyrights of research projects developed at the UOWM.
    5. e. The UOWM acquire property rights to the results, if the research is carried out on its facilities, funded by the university, or conducted under its name. Should the research produce any financial gains, the researchers are obliged to inform the Institution in written form and mutually engage in an agreement.
  2. Regarding the Plagiarism Issue:
    1. Committing plagiarism or directly violating the obligations arising from the network of intellectual property provisions in works that appear to be original works of their author, particularly when committed by academic members of the university, constitutes a serious disciplinary offense.
    2. b. In order to implement the guidelines of the European charter of the researcher and fulfill the educators’ professional obligation to prevent plagiarism, the UOWM offers professors and other academic staff the opportunity to use software such as turnitin ( to verify assignments.
Personal Data Protection
The Special Account for Research Funds through the Lifelong Learning Education Center will process the personal data included in the application for expressing interest and in the documents supporting the participation of the interested parties in this call for the purpose of their selection and their participation in the training program. Paragraph 1 point e of Article 6 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Article 5 of Law 4624/2019 (fulfilling a duty in the public interest or exercising public authority) serve as the legal basis for processing. On a case-by-case basis, the University of Western Macedonia, cooperating bodies, and those responsible for the management and control of the Lifelong Learning Education Centers will legally receive the personal data. Interested parties possess the right to access their data, correct inaccurate or incomplete data, delete data no longer necessary for the purposes of collection or processing, object to processing if no compelling reasons or legitimate grounds exist, and restrict processing. Any interested party may contact the Data Protection Officer by e-mailing for any issue regarding the processing of personal data. Should the interested party perceive any impact on the protection of their personal data, they have the option to file an appeal with the Personal Data Protection Authority (